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Advent Candles (colors and meanings)

The Advent wreath typically has four candles, with a fifth candle (the Christ candle). The colors and their meanings are as follows:

Candle Colors and Their Meanings

  1. Three Purple Candles
    • Represents penitence, preparation, and royalty (anticipating Christ the King).
  2. One Pink Candle (Joy Candle)
    • Represents joy and rejoicing, reflecting a shift in the mood of Advent.
  3. One White Candle (Christ Candle)
    • Represents purity, light, and the arrival of Christ. This is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Themes of the Four Sundays of Advent

Traditionally, the four Sundays of Advent focus on the following themes. There is some variation in the exact wording or emphasis between traditions:

  1. First Sunday: Hope (Prophecy Candle)
    • Represents the hope of the coming Messiah, as foretold by the prophets.
  2. Second Sunday: Peace (Bethlehem Candle)
    • Reflects the peace Christ brings, symbolized by His humble birth in Bethlehem.
  3. Third Sunday: Joy (Shepherds’ Candle)
    • Emphasizes the joy of Christ’s arrival, corresponding to the angelic announcement to the shepherds.
    • This is when the pink candle is lit.
  4. Fourth Sunday: Love (Angel Candle)
    • Focuses on the love of God shown through the gift of His Son.

This sequence aligns with typical Advent practices in many churches.