
This is a parent page. (Pages will be filed under parent pages.)

Pages here are about the Bible. Included is the nature of the Bible as a document.  Pages on the nature of God, Jesus Christ, the church, and Christian Living may fall under the pages before it would fall under this Bible page.

Bible Study Tools and Sites

1. – very nice. Includes Study Bible notes, maps, charts, and more. I’ve made a video here, which explains some features of and how to find them. 2. – comprehensive. Many many commentaries. Has devotions. Can be a bit hard to use (but I have three tips below)  because they use lots of …

Timelines of the Bible

The purpose of this page is a reference page to help learn/recall the flow of the Old Testament and provide timelines of the Bible. (For more on Paul and the NT, see Chronology of Paul.) A few Old Testament Dates: Timelines The Bible Timeline – slideable and clickable. Traveling through the Old Testament – Does …

Timeline Regarding Coverage of the Later OT History Books

The OT history up through Moses is covered in the 5 Books of Moses (the Pentateuch). Then we have Joshua, Judges, Ruth. Joshua, as we know, took over for Moses and led the conquest of the Holy Land, followed by a period of judges. Ruth is there because we need the ancestry of David. OK …

Timelines/Maps of the Synoptic Gospels

Timeline of the New Testament – at Chronological summary of the New Testament Gospels by Bible Blender – table The Life of Jesus in Chronological Order at – list Main Events of Jesus’ Earthly Life by Jehovah’s Witnesses – has nice maps; multiple pages; 2 formats.

Timeline of Bible Translation History

The history of the Bible is fascinating. Here are some timelines. I’m interested in other lists. If you have one, email me.

Maps and Atlases

Sites with free Bible Maps. Free Bible Images The Journeys of Jesus – 11 maps (each has a descriptive short list, with Bible references) Maps: The journeys of Paul – multiple maps (again, each with a descriptive short list, with Bible references) from BibleHub IBibleMaps Smith Bible Atlas More Maps at GodWeb ESV Maps …

Bible Book Outlines

Outlines Longer Commentaries

Themes and Summaries of the Books of the Bible

Tweetable Summary of each Chapter of each Book of the Bible Bible Summary Two Sentence Overview of Each Book Two sentence overview (PDF is available also) ( Examples: A Paragraph Summary of Each Book of the Bible Paragraph summaries. ( Examples: Bible Summaries

Bible Summaries

11Zoom Out / Zoom In Themes and Summaries of the Books of the Bible

66 Books of the Bible – using symmetry to memorize

Here’s the structure: Old Testament: 17 + 5 + 17 (the 5 in the middle being the 5 poetry books). 39 total. (Furthermore, both 17’s are 5+12!) To break it down further: 5+12 + 5 + 5+12.  The first 5 is the Law/Pentateuch.  The last 5+12 are the Prophets, major (5) and minor (12). New …

Chronology and Geography of Paul

To aid in learning the timeline of Paul’s missionary journeys and authorship of his letters, the following are useful: Good one-page summary (visual) timeline. Good concise summary. (See also C:\Users\James\Dropbox\Personal\Christian\Bible\Paul) Timeline of the Apostle Paul – one of my favorites. It has missionary journeys and books written. Major Events in the Life of the Apostle Paul …

Glory of My Soul

Getting a handle of what “the Glory of my soul” means in the Bible. I asked ChatGPT: From the book, Valley of Vision, a Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions, There is a devotion titled, Worship (p.p. 358-359). The first line is, “It is the flame of my life to worship thee, the Crown and …

Identity in Christ Scripture Confessions

Originally found here. Another list is below. I am complete in Him Who is the head over all rule and authority—of every angelic and earthly power (Colossians 2:10).I am alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:5).I am free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2).I am far from oppression, and will not live in fear …

The (6) Covenants in the Bible

Depending on the source you consult, there may be fewer, or more, than those listed below.  I’m going with 6 covenants. (Adapted from ChapGPT, with additions)   CF

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

R C Sproul was instrumental in bringing the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy together. in 1978 they produced the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.  It is quite thorough and complete. See Wikipedia.

(all of) Ps 117

PS 117 is 2 verses. Theme is praise God PS 118 is 29 verses Theme is Give thanks to the LORD PS 119 is 176 verses (goes through the Hebrew alphabet) Theme is walking in the law of the LORD   from Ps117: Praise the LORD! For great is his love towards us. Ps118: …

Phil 2: 3-5

Life Verse(s)

Life Verse(s)     (Breath Prayers below) Phil 2:3-5 (NIV)  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus Psalm 143:8 …

Life Verse(s) Copy

Life Verse(s)     (Breath Prayers below) Phil 2:3-5 (NIV)  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus Psalm 143:8 …

Strong’s Concordance

Strong’s Concordance provides a Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) index to the Bible. This allows the reader to learn about the ancient meanings and find words where they appear in the Bible. It also lets the reader directly compare how the same word may be used elsewhere in the Bible. (wiki info) It is my understanding that there …

Bible Periodic Table

Books of the Bible Periodic Table            

Bible Verse Searching & Sorting

Websites to help find verses

Idea for a Jerusalem LEGO Project

I’d like to make a LEGO model of Jerusalem during Jesus’ time. Make it with kids. Use it to teach lessons. Good story at (but confusing at one point)

Overview on the Books of the Bible Written information and audio by Chuck Swindoll. Note the Charts provided by Chuck Swindoll.  

Precepts and Commands

Here is an incredible list of 1,050 New Testament Commands Click to access r1308729_17984331.pdf   Also, see 1Eighty-five Old Covenant and New Covenant Contrasts at Click to access EightyFive%20Contrasts%20of%20the%20Old%20and%20New%20Covenants.pdf

Bible study patterns and tips

From Author background of the book Nature of the book/genre. (Historical) context realize there is scriptural harmony ——– 5 Ps Click to access the_5_p__s_of_bible_study.pdf Position yourself to hear from God. Pour over the passage and paraphrase the major points Pull out the scriptural principles Pose the question Plan obedience and pin down a date to obey. …

Authors & Thinkers

Preachers, Authors, Theologians, and Philosophers Books Heidelberg Catechism – (1563 Elector Frederick III & Zacharius Ursinus) the  Synod of Dort of 1618-1619, which adopted it as one of the Three Forms of Unity, together with the Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dort. Authors/Thinkers St. Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430) Thomas Aquinas, (1225 – 1274) …

Three new names in Genesis 17

Abraham (which mean ‘father of man’) and Sarah (which means ‘princess,’ because her offspring would be kings) got new names in Genesis 17. So does God. In Genesis 17:1 we have the first use of the name El Shaddai, when is translated as God Almighty. It was widely used throughout the Bible and was a …

OT History notes from the Divided Kingdom Forward

This is a page for (somewhat miscellaneous) notes on Old Testament history. Fall of Israel and Judah Fall of Israel (northern kingdom) and Judah (southern kingdom) is found, somewhat briefly, in the history section of the OT. Of course, much more more is said, yep in the form of prophesy, by the prophets in the …

Bible Study Methods by Rick Warren (+)

2512 BIBLE STUDY METHODS BY RICK WARREN Full citation (Also, there is a book Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods (Softcover)) Below is information provided that will present 12 proven Bible study methods that will enable you to study the Bible on your own. They are given in the order of simplicity and use of reference tools, beginning …

Potential Bible Studies

This is a listing of books and studies I come across that might work well for a Bible Study. Habits for Our Holiness: How the Spiritual Disciplines Grow Us Up, Draw Us Together, and Send Us Out The Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others – 15th Anniversary Edition Come and See: The Journey of Knowing …

Bible Project

30I plan to use the Bible Project Reading Plan, starting November 2020. Bible Gateway (in new tab) Bible Project site (hit videos)

Bible Readings for the Home

30 There are 300 Scripture topics in question and answer form in this online (and paperback) book of 654 pages.

Blessings on the Bible Scripture Reading

30330 Adapted from ChatGPT. Often, in churches, after the scripture has been read, there is a blessing and/or response by the people. Here are twelve examples of blessings on the scripture reading, along with their sources: Episcopal Tradition: Presbyterian Tradition: Reformed Tradition: Baptist Tradition: United Church of Christ: Anglican Communion: Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod: Pentecostal Tradition: …

Holy Land Pilgrimage in Faith Videos

In Lent 2021, the Magdala center in Magdala in the Holy land (located on the Sea of Galilee, where Mary Magdalene was from), put together a wonderful series of videos, titled Pilgrimage in Faith. The Magdala center describes themselves as the crossroads of Jewish and Christian history. These wonderful videos include geography and sites of …