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Chronology and Geography of Paul

To aid in learning the timeline of Paul’s missionary journeys and authorship of his letters, the following are useful:

  1. Good one-page summary (visual) timeline.
  2. Good concise summary. (See also C:\Users\James\Dropbox\Personal\Christian\Bible\Paul)
  3. Timeline of the Apostle Paul – one of my favorites. It has missionary journeys and books written.
  4. Major Events in the Life of the Apostle Paul is from esvlorg include links to Bible passages (including passages outside of Acts)
  5. Chronology of Acts and the Epistles1
  6. Maps, timelines, & information: I; II; III; to Rome.
  7. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
  8. has various timelines (pretty extensive information) and maps (as these below). (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  9. A Timeline of Paul’s Ministry.
  10. Listing of the Letters of Paul (including when and where they were written).
  11. Apostle Paul – Maps of His Journeys
  12. The Got Questions website has good information. For example, this article on the Second Missionary Journey.
  13. My Timeline of Paul (Google Sheet)

Where the books of the Bible were written. (from


All the travels of Paul on one map.






Pic1; Pic2