Category: Servant Leadership

The Story of the Other Wise Man

The Story of the Other Wise Man has brought joy and meaning to myself and my family for many years. I highly recommend reading this small book. It is a legend of a fourth wise man (a scholar as the three wise men), who also studied the prophesies and the stars and set out to …

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Establishments and Institutions

Sermon idea:  I like institutions (look up definition). They exist to carry out a needed duty. ‘The establishment’ on the other hand seems to mainly be there to maintain itself.  In Yancey’s ‘The Jesus I Never Knew’ book he says, on page 197, that Jesus posed a genuine threat to the establishment in Jerusalem. More …

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There is nothing enlightening about shrinking

Great quote by Marianne Williamson. Thanks Dave Lafary at the Faith Encounter, 10-19-16 at Wesley Church.

Golden and Platinum Rules

The Golden Rule Matthew 7:12 (ESV) 12 “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Kant’s Categorical Imperative [Disclaimer: This is slightly off topic, because Immanuel Kant  (in the top 5 philosophers of all time) was not a Christian. He did have a strong moral …

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The 4 Dimensions of Trust

                    Nice article by Jesse Lyn Stoner. I thinks this applies to teachers, leaders (of all levels), parents, friends, family members, loved ones (including significant others).  

Judgement of Believers’ Works

Christ Jesus, taking the very nature of a servant, humbled himself by becoming obedient to death. Therefore…

Imitating Christ’s Humility from Philippians 2 (NIV) 5 …Christ Jesus…7taking the very nature of a servant,…8humbled himself     by becoming obedient to death…..9Therefore,….10every knee should bow….11Jesus Christ is Lord,     to the glory of God the Father.…[and].12Therefore,… 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. …

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Habits for our holiness – spiritual disciplines Potential book for Bible study

Great Podcast on “Submissive Wives & Obedient Slaves,” etc.

Podcast: “Understanding the Bible 43: Submissive Wives & Obedient Slaves??” – Jesus at 2 am podcast.  Sept. 16, 2014.  (Sermon by Kirk Winslow)  [Sept 17, 2014 at iTunes.] Colassians 3:18 – 4:1 Lots of great ideas on ‘wives being submissive’ and more.  BTW, ‘wives being submissive’ is misleading. (The following comments are somewhat in random …

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Dare to be Great

Pastor Howard White’s January (2016) sermon series is title Dare to be Great. The Dare to be Great Challenge is: A Great Commitment to the Great Commandments and the Great Commission done with Great Compassion will grow a Great Church (and a great Christian). The 5 sermons in the series are Dare to Follow Matt …

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