Author's posts

Bob Polk Recognized at Doane University

Reverend Dr. Robert L. Polk became a friend of my parents, while attending Doane with them, and was best man at their wedding (in 1952). Bob Polk has had a wonderful life and has been, and is, an inspiration for thousands. Doane University named their newly built amphitheater in Robert Polk’s honor, on May 17, …

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Bear Grylls setting a good example

Bear Grylls setting a good example, in many ways. He is a strong christian along with being a well-known adventurist and survivalist. See the article: Bear Grylls’ life off-screen – real name, famous wife and huge net worth.

I’m interested in the Book:

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N. T. Wright Read his introduction (in which he describes the structure (logic 😉 of the book), it is compelling.


In the devo today by @BearGrylls he has a good word about God-Confidence. Cf Graphics :

Establishing daily motivation

In retirement there are some days in which I have a hard time getting motivated. Looking within myself, is sporadic at best, and generally of little value. Here’s a simple process : ‘ In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:6

Alistair Begg

Determining right & wrong based on the Bible it’s tough, because we are mortals. As people of faith, we should try to do it anyway.@AlistairBegg logically & Biblically moved the needle.Good, article here by Russel Moore.

Notes for January 2024

My sermon this month is titled, Eyes, Nose, and Shoulder for the Sake of Christ. The primary point is to keep our eyes on Jesus (from Hebrews 12:1). I’ve always like the metaphors of keep your nose to the grindstone and put your shoulder to the wheel. To do the will of God we do …

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Annual Spiritual Checkup from CS Lewis Institute

The annual spiritual checkup begins with “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew …

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Three Good Christmas Stories

Here are three short stories that I like–and you might also enjoy. Good to read at Christmas time. The Philanthropist’s Christmas – James Weber Linn. This is a story a bit like A Christmas Carol, with a rich man who is gruff (without the Christmas spirit). However, Mr. Carter is not a total cruel as …

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Nicholas Winton Rescued 669 children from Czechoslovakia

Nicholas Winton Rescued 669 children from Czechoslovakia Sir Nicholas Winton was born in Hampstead, London in 1909. For nine months in 1939 he rescued 669 children from Czechoslovakia, bringing them to the UK, thereby sparing them from the horrors of the Holocaust. Sir Nicholas died in July 2015, aged 106. This is an an excellent …

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