This devotion has a good story of faith growing from a mustard seed.
Through our faithful witness, we can bless future generations to come. Let’s strengthen our homes and produce, by His grace, a legacy for the Lord.
A Legacy for the Lord
Did He not make them one, having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring.
Malachi 2:15
Recommended Reading: Malachi 2:10-16
Jane, 18, a widow with two small children, descended into deep depression. One day while walking along a river with thoughts of suicide, she heard a ploughman on the other bank. As he began his work in the fields, he whistled Christian hymns and something about his spirit touched Jane. If a simple ploughman could display such enthusiasm for the mundane work of his life, why couldn’t she? Armed with a new perspective, Jane returned to Dublin where she answered the call to follow Christ. She began praying earnestly for her children and for the next twelve generations who would follow her.
Among the results? Her son, Grattan, became a minister and helped trigger the 1859 revival in Ireland. From his descendants alone have come a host of Christian workers who have traveled the world with the Gospel, including the noted Christian author Dr. Os Guinness.1
Through our faithful witness, we can bless future generations to come. Let’s strengthen our homes and produce, by His grace, a legacy for the Lord.
A Single Thought: Wherever life takes us, our witness goes too—it is the legacy of a believer in Jesus Christ. 5/24/2016