Kingdom of God

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The Kingdom of God is arguably an all-encompassing Biblical concept. Joseph Stowell (in This Light of Mine, 2025) said, “[T]he singular mission of Jesus was to initiate and advance the Kingdom of His Father.” I’d like to try to learn about it and have it impact my walk with God.

The Kingdom Mission is God’s call for us to advance His Kingdom on earth.

Kingdom of God notes and thoughts

The Kingdom of God is of vital importance (and a theme throughout!) in the New Testament. It is seen from the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry, throughout the ministry, and after the resurrection. Here are some exemplary passages and sections from the gospels and Acts 1 where Jesus is teaching about the Kingdom of God. …

Kingdom of God Bible Passages

Mark 1:14-15 – “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Matthew 6:33 – seek first His kingdom Luke 17:21 – kingdom of God is in your midst.