On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door the the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. As a result, the Reformation came about and the result was the protestant church (of course, many protestant denominations resulted). It is a fascinating time in world history.
October 31, 2017 is the 500th Anniversary of the start of the Reformation.
On this page I’ll make some links to interesting writings, audio recordings, and videos about Luther and the Reformation.
From Holly Scheer
Ms. Scheer’s article has numerous links to documentaries, books, and articles and provides much interesting information.
Running to Win
Running to Win – this is series of audio messages by Pastor Eriwn Lutzer. Pastor Lutzer was (recently retired) the lead pastor at the Moody Church in Chicago. He took a group to Luther sites in Germany.
The Reformation – Wittenberg Part 1 (and following) Click Next Program for subsequent message (including a wonderful message from Worms (where the Diet of Worms took place).
Eric Metaxas
Message by author Eric Metaxas, who recently wrote abook on Martin Luther.
Haven Today
Ligonier Ministries
Luther and the Reformation – A Teaching Series by Dr. R.C. Sproul
Museum of the Bible
Martin Luther Podcast – multiple podcasts.
Rick Steves’ Luther and the Reformation
A Mighty Fortress is our God
Hymn written by Luther: online