Strong’s Concordance provides a Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) index to the Bible. This allows the reader to learn about the ancient meanings and find words where they appear in the Bible. It also lets the reader directly compare how the same word may be used elsewhere in the Bible. (wiki info)
It is my understanding that there is a Strong’s number (for example H1984 or G5485, H for Hebrew, G for Greek) for every word in the Bible!
(Click images to enlarge them.)
I prefer to use the area for Strong’s. There are a couple of ways I use it in Biblehub.
- Go to the verse or passage.
- Then click Hebrew or Greek near the top.
- Additionally, you can click the Strong’s number and it take you to the full page on that Strong’s number (that word).
The second way I use Strong’s in Biblehub (especially if I know the number and want to go directly to the ‘full’ Strong’s page) is to scroll down at the homepage and hit Strong’s.
Blue Letter Bible also has a useful Strong’s Concordance area.
The way to use it actually type in the Strong’s number in the search area.