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Music ministers to our soul and we need that. This is a list of special songs.

Sandra McCracken

Sandra McCracken is an amazing communicator and she has a wonderful singing voice. She often writes one-page articles for Christianity Today.  They are balanced, meaningful, and helpful. Her songs are also relevant, beautiful, and meaningful. Recommended songs:

      1. Patient Kingdom,
      2. Ring the Bells,
      3. The Space Between.

Dan Holmes

Dan Holmes is an amazing guitar player and singer. lyrics1   Recommended songs:

      1. The Road of Faith (Shine On) benediction,
      2. We are One (coming fall 2020 on Christmas album)

Master List of Hymns to Memorize

3 verses (1)

    1. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing – ComeThouFount of EveryBlessing

My job is to sing of God’s grace. “O to grace how great a debtor, daily I’m constrained to be! Let thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee.

4 verses (6)

    1. A Charge To Keep I Have – A CHARGE TO KEEP I HAVE(4 vs)
    2. Be Thou My Vision – Be Thou My Vision(4vs)
    3. In Christ Alone – In Christ Alone(4vs)
    4. My Hope is Built – My Hope Is Built(4)
    5. How Great Thou Art – How Great Thou Art(4)
    6. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – When I Survey the Wondrous Cross(4vs)

5 verses (3)

    1. Trust and Obey – Trust and Obey(5)
    2. God of Grace and God of Glory – God of Grace and God of Glory(5vs)
    3. Good King Wenceslas – Good King Wenceslas(5vs)

6 verses (3)

    1. Praise to the Lord the Almighty – Praise+to+the+Lord+the+Almighty(6vs)
    2. Take My Life and Let it Be – Take My Life and Let It Be(6vs)
    3. Our God Our Help in Ages Past – OUR GOD OUR HELP IN AGES PAST(6vs)

All 13 hymns in one file – BakersDozenHymns2Memorize

Others (not memorized yet)

Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service [4 vs] (from Discipleship and Service section of the index) YouTube

Jesu,Jesu  [5 vs] YouTube

Straight Ahead [2 vs] (see Amy Grant album)