Draft – this is a very rich topic that needs to be fleshed out.
Submission is something person B does for person A.
(See wives submit to your husband. There is an equivalent/parallel commandment for husbands.)
This is in contrast to subjugation and subjection which person A does to person B. Also, with these, person A is forcing (to two different degrees) person B to respond.
In the case of submission person B is deciding to do it.
See also ‘submit.’ (Including submitting an application to be an a Master’s program.)
Love is a decision. The following are therefore decisions
- Obedience
- Service
From 3 minute retreat app:
God gives us free will. We decide to follow Christ.
We are not saved by ___, but saved for ___.
- Works
- Obedience
- Commandment following
See definition of commandment. It is more of a suggestion for your success than an edict.
I’ll take a decision over ‘binding agreement’ any day. (Binding agreements vary. You can make a decision for a binding agreement, and those are good. By contrast a ‘binding decree’ is from outside someone, not an internal decision.)