I did some looking around this afternoon and wanted to write down what I found. I was prompted to do this research after an article appeared in the Washington Post titled, “An After School Satan Club could be coming to your kid’s elementary school.” I’ll comment on the article at the bottom. I am a practicing Christian. …
July 2016 archive
Jul 26
Golden and Platinum Rules
The Golden Rule Matthew 7:12 (ESV) 12 “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Kant’s Categorical Imperative [Disclaimer: This is slightly off topic, because Immanuel Kant (in the top 5 philosophers of all time) was not a Christian. He did have a strong moral …
Jul 26
Godly Men by Rick Warren
Godly men, Timothy for example, were Caring Consistent Cooperative Considerate Courageous Audio sermon, titled A Courageous Attitude, at https://www.idisciple.org/sermon/a-courageous-attitude (also at rickwarren.org) Extensive write-up and notes here.
Jul 26
God protects and helps those in trouble
Read Ps 34:15-22 God shows favoritism (my word, maybe the wrong word) to those who believe. https://www.idisciple.org/verse/three-things-you-must-remember-when-rejected deals with Ps 34:19 and 3 keys for dealing with rejection
Jul 13
In divisive times, who will lead? Who will Heal?
Very nice piece by @MJGerson https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/in-our-moment-of-division-who-will-lead/2016/07/11/1a8232fa-4798-11e6-acbc-4d4870a079da_story.html Gerson gives a good analysis of the current (decisive) political situation. He sees a need (as do I) for politicians who do not “immediately fall into partisan ruts, or post Facebook banalities.” Another good quote is: In fact, there are people on the left and right who benefit from …
Jul 11
(See http://en.thinkexist.com/) Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand. St. Augustine “Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it.” A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens “Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.” Immanuel Kant …
Jul 11
Pilgrim’s Progress Quote
Pilgrim’s Progress Quotes Christian now went to the spring, and drank thereof, to refresh himself [Isa. 49:10], and then began to go up the hill, saying– “The hill, though high, I covet to ascend, The difficulty will not me offend; For I perceive the way to life lies here. Come, pluck up heart, let’s neither …